Digital Transformation: Ideas Portal as a Driver for Innovation

At Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Professor Volker Stiehl is developing a pioneering methodology for digital transformation with his ‘process-driven approach’. The aim is to enable existing companies to make their processes more efficient, transparent, and sustainable and to give start-ups with new business models a competitive edge. It also relies on the participation of citizens.

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Facilitation in all areas of life: Professor Volker Stiehl explains his approach to Joyce Probst. The whole conversation is available as a podcast (Photo: THI).

The process-driven approach focuses on the systematic analysis and modelling of business processes before technical solutions are developed. This methodology ensures that digital transformation projects can be implemented precisely and efficiently. By using open-source tools and involving relevant stakeholders at an early stage, tangible results are achieved right from the start. The approach enables companies and start-ups to flexibly adapt their processes and test new services or business models in a market-orientated manner.

One component of the concept is an ideas portal that offers citizens and experts the opportunity to submit specific everyday challenges, expert knowledge, or innovative approaches. The suggestions are evaluated by experts and further developed together with an interdisciplinary team of scientists, entrepreneurs, and students. In this way, the portal promotes the realisation of creative and innovative solutions that can have a lasting impact on society and the economy.

Professor Stiehl emphasises that this approach can become a model for digital transformation not only regionally, but also internationally. In the Ingolstadt region in particular, the concept offers great potential to support local companies and start-ups in optimising their processes and developing completely new business ideas, and taking on a leading role in the digital economy in the long term.

‘The process-driven approach offers us the opportunity to actively set standards and be a pioneer in shaping the digital transformation. Our approach offers companies, start-ups, and society innovative tools to successfully master the challenges,’ says Professor Stiehl.
Further information can be found at: Prozessidee

Here is the link to the podcast: Audio-Podcasts der THI.