Cost & Value Engineering Convention 2024 in Ingolstadt

On May 16, 2024, the Cost & Value Engineering Convention 2024 took place in Ingolstadt with over 150 participants and speakers. The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Dirk Hecht (Head of the Master's degree course “Digital Procurement and Sustainable Supply Chain Management” at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt) and Prof. Dr. Dirk Weber (Munich University of Applied Sciences). There were inspiring keynotes, interactive workshops and in-depth discussions about the future of cost and value engineering, particularly in the context of AI and sustainability. Highlights were the contributions by experts from leading industry representatives, who provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing our industry. The mix of knowledge transfer, networking and innovative presentations showed once again how dynamic and relevant this field is. Special thanks go to everyone who took part in the interactive workshops and enriched the exciting discussions. We hope that you were able to take many inspiring ideas and new contacts home with you! See you next year - stay innovative and connected!