Security in Mobility

IT security represents a major challenge in the automobile industry at present. The scope for attacking vehicles is also rising with the increased interconnection of vehicles and an increasingly large proportion of complex software in modern vehicles. The research area of automotive security considers the overarching IT security system for vehicles. The aim is to consider IT security throughout a vehicle’s entire development and product life cycle for functional groups overall. The key research area of automotive security is currently focusing on:

  • Security testing of automotive hardware and software, e.g. by means of automotive penetration testing, fuzzing
  • Model-based automotive security and test case generation from security models (e.g. attacker models for autonomous driving)
  • Safe vehicle communication (e.g. Secure Car2X, Secure CAN)
  • Reputation systems for vehicles



Automotive Software Development

Person in Fahrzeug auf Teststand; auf dem Schoß Laptop mit Daten


Holistic Automotive Testing of Security, Safety, and Storage


Security fotr the next BMS-generation

Fahrzeuig auf Teststand in Labor; davor Bildschirme udn Laptopn mit VR-Umgebung und Testdaten


Protecting electrified vehicles against cyber attacks

Modell des ADAM Frameworks


Model-based safeguarding of security and safety for environment-based vehicle functions


Self-assessment/protection tools for CCAM

Fahrzeuig auf Teststand in Labor; davor Bildschirme udn Laptopn mit VR-Umgebung und Testdaten


Blockchain for plagiarism protection


Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Hof
Phone: +49 841 9348-2526
Room: D021

Professor Hof heads the research group „Security in Mobility“ at CARISSMA Institute of Electric, Connected, and Secure Mobility. The research group regularly offers exciting theses. If you are interested, please contact Professor Hof (