THI again awarded Germany scholarships for the winter term

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) has awarded 42 Germany Scholarships. Students with outstanding achievements and social commitment receive 300 euros per month for one year. Half of the scholarship is financed by private sponsors and half by the federal government.

The "Stiftergemeinde Zukunft Neuburg" supports no less than four scholarship holders, pictured here together with Prof. Dr. Walter Schober and Neuburg's mayor Dr. Bernhard Gmehling. (Source: THI)

Group photo of all scholarship holders and donors at the award ceremony of the Germany Scholarships at the THI. (Source: THI)

In a festive ceremony, THI President Prof. Dr. Walter Schober presented 42 students with their certificates. Representatives of the 20 sponsors received certificates of thanks for their support of the students. This means that the number of scholarship holders and sponsors have each increased by about a third compared to the previous year.

In his speech, the Mayor of Neuburg, Dr Bernhard Gmehling, emphasised the great importance of the THI's Neuburg campus, which has opened its door in autumn 2021, for his city. This time, 10 scholarships went to Neuburg alone.

During the events, some scholarship holders told what the scholarship means to them. For example, Marvin Rembrink, who is studying Artificial Intelligence as part of a dual degree programme, said: "The Germany Scholarship makes it possible for me to concentrate fully on my studies without having to think about the financial burden".

THI President Prof. Dr. Walter Schober said: "A big thank you goes to all the donors whose support makes the awarding of the Germany Scholarship possible in the first place. This enables us to honour outstanding achievements and social commitment and to make the scholarship holders' path in their studies easier."

THI has been awarding the Germany Scholarship for eleven years. The Germany Scholarship is the largest public-private project in the education sector in Germany. Since 2011, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been supporting talented students of all disciplines with 300 euros per month, half of which is provided by private sponsors such as companies, foundations and private individuals. The other half is contributed by the Federal Government.

Applications for the Germany Scholarship are possible for first-year students between 15 July and 15 October each year via the website, for higher semesters from 15 July to 15 September.