News of the faculty

Porträt von Professor Sitzmann

Congratulations: 25 years of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Interview with Professor Gerald Sitzmann on his 25th anniversary at the university and the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering more

Pull bismuth crystal from the melt

We would like to introduce our colleague bismuth. Also called bismuth. It was first mentioned in Saxony in 1505 as "wißmad ärcz". In the materials… more
Two young people hold up a poster.

Helping to shape the energy transition

The newly founded network #StudyGreenEnergy promotes degree programmes in renewable energy. An information event will take place on 27 January. more
[Translate to English:] ProfessorDr Elsbacher Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Welcome Professor Dr. Elsbacher

We are pleased to welcome Professor Dr Elsbacher, another new colleague, to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He will be working with us as a… more
[Translate to English:]

Welcome Professor Dr Helmer

We are pleased to welcome another colleague, Professor Dr Helmer, who will join us on 1 January 2022. He is a specialist in the field of "Automated… more
[Translate to English:] Fakultät Maschinenbau Oberhauser

Welcome Professor Dr Oberhauser

We are very pleased to welcome a new colleague to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on 1 January 2022! A colleague who already knows the… more
Donation for clinic clowns

350 Euro donation for the Clinic Clowns

Give the little ones a smile! That's what THI's aviation department wants to do with its donation of 350 euros to the Klinik Clowns. The money was… more