Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey

Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Room: B005
Subject Area: Aerospace Informatics and Avionics


Skotnik , Nathalie ; Frey , Andreas
An Approach towards Reusability in Hybrid Avionic Software Development by Using a Unified Graph Representation of the Software System
Publisher : IEEE
Publisher place : Piscataway (NJ)
ISSN: 2155-7209
ISBN: 978-1-6654-8607-1
Frey , Andreas ; Pourtoulidou , Despoina
Lessons learned during a blended training for new employees in aerospace companies
Publisher : Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Publisher place : Barcelona
ISBN: 978-84-123222-6-2 pdf
Pourtoulidou , Despoina ; Frey , Andreas
Blended Learning in Aerospace Companies' Training Course
Publisher : SEFI
Pourtoulidou , Despoina ; Frey , Andreas
Blended learning in aerospace companies’ training course
Publisher : SEFI
Publisher place : Brüssel
ISBN: 978-2-87352-023-6
Pourtoulidou , Despoina ; Frey , Andreas
Developing a joint training course for german aerospace companies
Publisher : Diamond Scientific Publishing
Publisher place : Vilnius
Pourtoulidou , Despoina ; Steger , Fabian ; Burger , Uli ; Göllinger , Harald ; König , Ludwig ; Obermeier , Erwin ; Schweiger , Hans-Georg ; Frey , Andreas
Mission-framed Project-based Learning and Teaching
Publisher : SEFI
Publisher place : Brüssel
ISBN: 978-2-87352-018-2
Ahrens , Dirk ; Frey , Andreas ; Pfeiffer , Andreas ; Bertram , Torsten
Objective evaluation of software architectures in driver assistance systems
Publisher : Springer
Publisher place : Berlin
ISSN: 2524-8529