Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schröder

Subject Area: Logistics and Production Organisation


  • Identification of waste and its elimination in service processes – example of hospital logistics (doctorate project)
  • Concentration of value creation (personnel, space, machinery) as part of the digital transformation
  • Visualisation of value concentration using the Value Added Heat Map
  • Digital transformation in SMEs
  • Digitalisation in waste logistics


  • Since 2004: Project manager at the ZAF research centre, THI
  • Since 1996: Professor of Logistics and Production Organisation at THI
  • 1992-1996: Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft,  Head of Logistics Planning, also Head of Logistics Material Flow
  • 1987: Doctorate in economics and social sciences (Dr. rer. pol.), Bundeswehr University, Hamburg
  • 1981-1984: Degree in economics and organisational studies, UniBW Hamburg (Diplom Kaufmann)
  • 1978-1992: Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces), officer, Major d.R.