The Experimental Safety Vehicle from Mercedes in the auditorium of the THI

"Berliner Erklärung zur Fahrzeugsicherheit"

Meeting of experts at the THI with impulses for the next decade more
Map of the road layout of the IN2Lab test field at Auwaldsee in Ingolstadt

New innovation laboratory for Ingolstadt

Test field for safeguarding automated driving starts more

Lecture series on electromobility becomes international

In the winter semester 2020/21 the contributions come from all over the world more
The CARISSMA booth at the Safety Week

CARISSMA at the Safety Week 2020

CARISSMA presents itself with a wide range of topics at this year's Safety Week, Europe's largest conference event on vehicle safety. In addition to… more

Brazilian Ministry of Economics approves THI research project on motorcycle safety in Brazil

According to the WHO, Brazil ranks 5th among the countries with the most road deaths worldwide. The CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD),… more
Group photo in front of the CARISSMA research and test center

Israeli Consul General visits Ingolstadt University of Technology

THI's cooperation approaches with Israel in the field of artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship more
Prof. Zimmer

International research at THI

Research group "Applied intelligent sensors and systems (AISS)" around Brazilian visiting professor Alessandro Zimmer raises third-party funds of more… more

KONSENSE Conference at THI

A report by the KONSENSE team more


Head of CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Huber
Phone: +49 841 9348-2523
Room: H020
Scientific Research Officer CARISSMA
Thomas Dorsch
Phone: +49 841 9348-3334
Room: H021