Graduate Center News and Events

Congratulations on your doctorate!

We congratulate Dr Anupama Hegde on her successful doctorate. She successfully defended her dissertation at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität… more

Congratulations on your doctorate!

We congratulate Dr Albin Gottwalt-Baruth on his successful doctorate.He successfully defended his dissertation at the University of Bayreuth with the… more

Congratulations on your doctorate!

We congratulate Dr Suprateek Banerjee on his successful doctorate. He successfully defended his dissertation at Otto von Guericke University… more
Opportunity for the entire region: THI receives doctoral rights (Photo: Pixabay).

Milestone for Ingolstadt: THI receives two doctoral centers

Eleven doctoral centers will be established at Bavarian universities of Applied Sciences (HaW) and Technical Universities (TH). The THI is the only… more
Freshly minted Ph.D.: Alberto Flores Fernández researches vehicle safety (Photo: THI).

100th cooperative doctorate at the THI

Dr. Alberto Flores Fernández has successfully completed his cooperative doctorate at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. more


The award for science communication more
Picture of the word promotion in front of colourful blobs of paint

2. Kaminabend am 01.12.2021

Wir laden Euch recht herzlich zum zweiten Kaminabend des Graduiertenzentrums der THI in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BayWISS Verbundkolleg Mobilität &… more
Illustration of seven light bulbs in a row. The third bulb is lit and is further up.

Digitaler GEW-Workshop der Projektgruppe Doktorand*innen in der GEW am 15. und 16. Oktober 2021

„Promovieren mit FH/HAW-Abschluss. Kooperative Promotionsverfahren erwünscht?“ Für FH/HAW-Absolvent*innen und -Angehörige, Promotionsinteressierte,… more
Illustration of international students with the text "Study in the USA - yes please" underneath.

Opportunities for young scientists: Network with research in the USA!

Young German scientists can apply for a doctoral fellowship at Fulbright Germany until November 1, 2021. more


Please contact us via

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Head of the Graduate Center
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Phone: +49 841 9348-3650
Room: P207
Managing Director
Dr. Monika Kolpatzik
Phone: +49 841 9348-1560
Room: P207
Marketing Assistant
Marina Schleicher
Phone: +49 841 9348-3539
Room: P207