The InFra (Intelligent Infrastructure) research project completed

The InFra project aimed to develop an intelligent traffic light system for a pedestrian crossing. An intelligent roadside infrastructure unit with… more

International conference "Electro Vehicle Symposium" in Seoul

Pablo Morales Torricos presents research results on the service life of lithium-ion batteries more

Christmas time - the best time

Christmas party, Secret Santa and team event to bring the year to a cozy end more

Best Paper Award for AI-based modeling of LiDAR sensors

IIMo PhD student receives the Best Paper Award at the IEEE M2VIP conference for a publication in the field of AI-based sensor model development more

Head of Institute

Head of the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Programme director and Academic advisor "Applied Reserach in Engineering Sciences" (Master)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Endisch

Phone: +49 841 9348-1733
Room: S 426 (Stauffenbergstr. 2a in the DK building)
E-Mail: els@thi.de

Further professors

Head of Fraunhofer Application Center "Connected Mobility and Infrastructure"; Research Professor Assembly and Connection Technology
Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger
Phone: +49 841 9348-2840
Room: A114
Junior Professor for Electrical Engineering and Digital Signal Processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Schmid
Phone: +49 841 9348-6416
Room: A116
Fax: +49 841 9348-996481