International conference "Electro Vehicle Symposium" in Seoul

Pablo Morales Torricos presents research results on the service life of lithium-ion batteries

Pablo Morales Torricos at the 37th International Conference "Electro Vehicle Symposium" in Seoul

Pablo Morales Torricos presents his research results on the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries

The Gangnam district at the COEX conference center

Between April 22, 2024 and April 26, 2024, the 37th International Conference "Electro Vehicle Symposium" took place in Seoul, South Korea. A symposium was organized at which research results on various aspects of e-mobility were discussed. Over 900 participants from 36 countries took part in the conference. There was also an industrial exhibition with stands mainly from Asian companies in the field of electromobility. Over 10,000 visitors visited the exhibition during the conference days.

Pablo Morales Torricos represented the Research Group for Electromobility and Learning Systems at Ingolstadt University of Technology by presenting his research results on the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries. In his 30-minute talk, he presented a detailed analysis of the results of our conference paper "Towards Reliable Lifetime Estimation of Li-ion Batteries (LIB): Apparent Aging during Cyclic Aging Tests", which we had submitted for the same conference.

The presented results provide a closer look into the performance of cell tests and show undesirable phenomena that strongly distort the measurements. The generation and measurement of aging data on a laboratory scale needs to be better understood. To this end, conventional methods, such as capacity measurement, can be complemented with newer methods, such as float current analysis, to enable more accurate aging predictions.