Christian Hanzl presents doctoral thesis at the Audi Pro.Motion Doctoral Students' Day

Ideal platform for exchange between young scientists and industry more

The research group "I-BasE" finds its beginning

„BattFutur-Nachwuchsgruppen Batterieforschung“ - Dr. Lewerenz receives positive review more

ELS research group wins "Best Paper" award

Conference article convinces the expert jury more

Head of Institute

Head of the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Programme director and Academic advisor "Applied Reserach in Engineering Sciences" (Master)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Endisch

Phone: +49 841 9348-1733
Room: S 426 (Stauffenbergstr. 2a in the DK building)
E-Mail: els@thi.de

Further professors

Head of Fraunhofer Application Center "Connected Mobility and Infrastructure"; Research Professor Assembly and Connection Technology
Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger
Phone: +49 841 9348-2840
Room: A114
Junior Professor for Electrical Engineering and Digital Signal Processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Schmid
Phone: +49 841 9348-6416
Room: A116
Fax: +49 841 9348-996481