Project BioM0876: Workshop on highly flexible biomethane projects

A presentation on biomethane trading by Mr Löffler (Landwärme GmbH), while the other project partners and representatives of the energy industry listen attentively.

On 12 June 2024, the first comprehensive workshop ‘Obstacles and approaches in the development of highly flexible biomethane projects - focus on CHP plants, biomethane transport, site search’ took place as part of the BioM0876 research project. This workshop provided a platform for experts and interested parties to discuss the challenges and potential of biomethane projects on site at Ingolstadt Technical University of Applied Sciences. In addition to the consortium partners IKEM (Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility), Landwärme GmbH and the associated project partners Danpower GmbH and N-Ergie AG, numerous experts, stakeholders and interested parties from various sectors also took part: from municipal utilities, CHP manufacturers and energy suppliers to representatives from research institutions and politics. The welcome and presentation of the workshop's objectives were followed by a keynote speech on current developments in the promotion of electricity from biomethane by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Subsequently, IKEM outlined the legal framework conditions for biomethane utilization in CHP plants. Landwärme GmbH provided an overview of the current status of biomethane transport and trading in the natural gas grid and, finally, the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) demonstrated the systemic relationships between the influencing variables of biomethane CHP plant operation. The workshop concluded with a joint discussion on the role of highly flexible CHP units as heat suppliers in various generation constellations, the potential heat price and the room for maneuver provided by the subsidy and tax regulations. As part of the research project, another subsequent workshop is planned for 2 August 2024 - this time online.
The BioM0876 project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) - funding period 2023-2025 - funding program ‘Renewable Resources’ (“Nachwachsende Rohstoffe”).