Study Programme Development Workshop in Tashkent

In July 2024, the consortium partners of the RE.Act project met for the first official project meeting in Tashkent.

The first Study Programme Development Workshop within the RE.Act project focused on the challenges graduates face when transitioning into the labour market and how to inspire the next generation of students for renewable energy. From 24 to 26 July 2024 in Tashkent, the possibilities of didactic and content-related further training for teachers were also highlighted and other relevant topics in this context were discussed and worked on intensively.
The RE.Act project is funded by the DAAD and aims to strengthen the water-energy nexus in research and education together with the two partner universities TIIAME (Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers - National Research University) in Uzbekistan and NSU (Naryn State University named after Satybaldi Naamatov) in Kyrgyzstan. More information on the project can be found in the project profile.
During the workshop, the three universities each presented their bachelor's degree programmes in the field of renewable energies and compared their curricula. In the next step, the focus will be on identifying those modules that either need to be added or revised. The aim is to jointly generate and exchange teaching material, thereby promoting a joint learning and development process.
At the same time, the opportunity of the first physical meeting of all project partners in the RE.Act project was also used to formulate expectations of the collaboration and project implementation and to deepen the monitoring system of the indicators.
The three-day workshop was followed by a joint visit to a TIIAME training field for the cultivation of cereals and vegetables. This provided an excellent opportunity to get to know the university’s current research priorities better and to exchange initial ideas for joint research projects.
We would like to thank our partners for their warm hospitality and look forward with great anticipation to the visit of the lecturers from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to THI this autumn. We also look forward to continuing our productive co-operation in the RE.Act project.