#THI: Your expert partner in research

Technische Hochschule Ingolstdt (THI) is one of the strongest research universities for applied sciences in Bavaria and thus offers optimal conditions for successful research cooperation with companies. In order to create synergies, the Research and Transfer Office bundles competences in the field of research, regardless of whether this involves finding suitable funding projects or advising on applications.

Get to know our research options

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Please contact us via the central e-mail address forschung@thi.de

Postal address:
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Research and Transfer Office
P.O. Box 21 04 54
D - 85019 Ingolstadt

Visitor address:
Building F
Esplanade 10
D- 85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone: +49 841 9348-6655
E-mail: forschung@thi.de

[Translate to English:] Logo Akkreditierungsrat: Systemakkreditiert
Logo des Bayerischen Wissenschaftsforums (BayWISS)
[Translate to English:] Logo IHK Ausbildungsbetrieb 2023