For interested companies

As one of the strongest research universities for applied sciences in Bavaria, the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) offers optimal conditions for successful research co-operation with companies. Publicly funded research projects offer attractive participation opportunities for industrial project partners. On request, companies can be put in direct contact with professors at THI who are experts in their field and support is offered to the applicant, for example in drawing up co-operation agreements.


Research allowance from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for companies

The BMBF's research allowance offers companies the opportunity to receive tax incentives for their research and development projects. Companies are supported in their research activities regardless of their size, legal form and sector.

R&D projects from the following categories are eligible:

  • basic research
  • industrial research
  • experimental development

The following are subsidised: in-house wages of R&D employees, costs of contract research (of which up to 70% are eligible), own work by individual entrepreneurs and material costs. The research allowance amounts to 25% (35% for SMEs) of the total eligible expenditure, currently up to a maximum of 2.5 million euros (SMEs: 3.5 million euros) per year. The research allowance is determined by the tax office.

The application procedure is completely digital and can be found under the following links:
Applying for a certificate from the BSFZ 
Application for research allowance at the tax office

Further information on the BMBF research allowance can be found on the website



Phone: +49 841 9348-6655