Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the European Union's ninth framework programme for research and innovation and the successor programme to Horizon 2020. It has a programme period from 2021-2027 and is one of the largest public research funding programmes in the world with a budget of around EUR 95.5 billion.

Horizon Europe offers a wide range of funding opportunities, from support for basic scientific research to application-oriented projects and market launch measures. The various funding measures also focus on the mobility of researchers, strengthening the European Research Area and supporting infrastructure measures. The programme is aimed at individual researchers, small and large consortia and companies (especially SMEs) in all subject areas relevant to the EU.

All information on funding programmes, regulations, calls for proposals, applications and project management is recorded centrally in the European Commission's funding portal: EU Funding & Tenders Portal.

The Research & Transfer Office will be pleased to advise you on your application and support your application process. 

Selected funding formats in Horizon Europe

Thematic calls for tenders

The second pillar of Horizon Europe aims to contribute to tackling global challenges and sustainable development in line with the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. It comprises the following six thematic clusters, which cover the range of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  1. Health
  2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society
  3. Civil security for society
  4. Digitalisation, industry and space
  5. Climate, energy and mobility
  6. Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment

Applications for funding are generally submitted by interdisciplinary research consortia under the leadership of a coordinating submission. The thematic calls for proposals are published in biennial work programmes in the EU Funding and Tender Portal.

Successful applicants usually have a good research network and are generally familiar with the typical procedures and requirements of the application process.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions aim to promote the individual career development of researchers, with mobility playing a central role. Funding is provided for activities in the context of international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral science. Individual research skills are to be expanded and institutional structuring effects achieved.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are endowed with a total budget of EUR 6.6 billion in Horizon Europe. The following five specific funding lines are open to all research areas and support projects ranging from basic research to market development:


EU missions are courageous, inspiring and highly visible projects that demonstrate the added value of European investment in research and innovation.
Leading experts from across Europe, together with the interested public, have developed the following five thematic areas (the so-called "Mission Areas"), which are expected to characterise the coming years of European research:

  1. Adaptation to climate change, including societal change
  2. Cancer
  3. Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
  4. Climate-neutral smart cities
  5. Soil health and nutrition

In each area, one mission will be implemented first, for which the core objectives are formulated by 2030.

The calls for proposals for the missions can be found in the "12. Missions and Cross-cutting Activities" section of the Horizon Europe work programme. The work programmes are published in the EU Funding and Tender Portal under "Work programme & call documents" for the respective period of validity.


You can also send enquiries to the central e-mail address:
E-Mail: forschung@thi.de

Contact person

Research- and EU-Consultant
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Duft
Phone: +49 841 9348-6140
Room: F110
Fax: +49 841 9348-996140