Sustainability knowledge for Brazil: ‘sustainED’ project launched

The ‘sustainED - Education Network for Sustainable Futures’ project has been launched at the Neuburg Sustainability Campus of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Gruppenbild der Brasilien-Kooperation am Campus in Neuburg

Getting to know each other at the Sustainability Campus Neuburg: Professors exchanged ideas (Photo: THI).

The aim is to work together with the partner universities Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) to design modular qualification and further education programs on the topic of sustainability for the Management and Engineering degree programs. Professor Holger Hoppe, who is leading the project at THI, explains: ‘We want to integrate sustainability knowledge into teaching, research, and university management in the long term so that students, researchers, and university staff can actively participate in the transformation towards a sustainable future.’

The project is based at the Sustainability Research and Transfer Centre Neuburg (ForTraNN) and the AWARE Center. Professor Klaus-Uwe Moll from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Cristian Loza Adaui from the Business School are also involved on the THI side. The project, which is being funded funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)  with 300,000 euros, will run for four years.

The German and Brazilian professors got to know each other intensively at a kick-off event at the Sustainability Campus Neuburg at the beginning of June. They developed strategies for the individual project phases and initial modules for teaching.