THI opens "Bavarian Center for Applied Research and Technology with Latin America" (AWARE)

THI has opened the "Bavarian Center for Applied Research and Technology with Latin America" (AWARE) together with the Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler and numerous guests from Germany and abroad.

Two people on a stage

Prof. Dr. Harald Göllinger, Scientific Director of the AWARE Center, and Anne-Sophie Kopytynski, Managing Director of the AWARE Center, lead through the program of the opening ceremony and introduce the new center. Source: THI

Bernd Sibler on stage

Bernd Sibler, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and the Arts, during his speech at the opening of the new AWARE Center. Source: THI

Panel disczssion, several people on chairs and tables

During the panel discussion at the opening of the AWARE Center: (from left) Dr. Claudia Bärmann Bernard (Free State of Bavaria, Brazil Office), Prof. Dr. Alessandro Zimmer (THI/Universidade Federal do Paraná), Anne-Sophie Kopytynski (Managing Director AWARE), Ramiro Wahrhaftig (President Araucária Foundation) and Dr. Herbert Negele (BMW do Brasil). Source: THI

Photo 4: Exhibition accompanying the opening of the AWARE Centre: Insight into current THI research projects with Brazil. Source: THI

International research networks are essential for developing key technologies of tomorrow and solutions to global challenges. The application and technology-oriented AWARE Center builds a bridge to Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and, in the future, to other Latin American countries. It aims to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology between science, industry and politics, open up international perspectives for young scientists and support the development of international research structures. Core fields include artificial intelligence, automotive, Industry 4.0, aviation, trade, entrepreneurship and sustainability. In addition to supporting the expansion of networks between universities and business partners in Bavaria and Latin America, the Center is also intended to strengthen the international networking of Bavarian universities in a targeted manner in order to pool knowledge and establish thematic networks in the long term.
At the opening ceremony, the Bavarian Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler, emphasized the importance of the new AWARE Center for the Free State as a science location. Prof. Dr. Walter Schober, President of Technische Hochschule ingolstadt, emphasized the added value of the AWARE Center for the participating institutions at the opening ceremony: "What began in 2010 with the establishment of a DAAD-funded strategic partnership with Brazil has been continuously expanded through the exchange of professors, students and cooperation in the field of research. We are pleased to now open our network to further partners in Bavaria in the next stage".
In a panel discussion, German and Brazilian representatives from science, industry and politics will address the question of the opportunities and challenges of applied research in Latin America. At the opening ceremony, joint German-Brazilian research and exchange projects in the fields of vehicle safety, automated driving, aviation and renewable energies were also presented. 
The newly created AWARE Center is the result of THI's strategic network partnership of the same name with Brazil, through which about 480 people have been supported with guest lectures and professorships, research stays and internships, summer schools and other network events.