Virtual sustainability trail ("Nachhaltigkeitsparcours") goes online

Joint project of THI, KU and INAS presents itself at the Ingolstadt Landesgartenschau 2021

Comic-Drawing of a elderly man with his grandchild in front of a wooden sign

The sustainability parcours is intended to inspire young and old for a sustainable everyday life (Photo: THI)

In advance of the Ingolstadt Landesgartenschau 2021 finally opening its doors on April 21, the sustainability trail located there can already be visited online. The virtual version of the teaching and learning trail was created under the direction of Lena Kackstätter of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) and is part of the knowledge transfer project "Mensch in Bewegung" THI and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt implemented the sustainability trail on the State Garden Show grounds in close cooperation with the Institute for Applied Sustainability (inas).

At ten stations, visitors can discover tips and background knowledge for making everyday life more sustainable: What is meant by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? How much virtual water do you hide in your everyday life? How sustainable is your diet? Answers to these and other questions await those interested in the city of "Futuria." The course boards are marked with a QR code that leads directly to the website of the sustainability parcours. There, in addition to the content of the boards, further information, helpful links or exciting videos can be accessed.

The content of the teaching and learning trail is aimed equally at children and adults. Educational institutions can also use the trail as an extracurricular learning site on the topic of sustainability. A guide is available for teachers, which includes information on the topics as well as on the real and virtual tour. The virtual version of the sustainability trail is designed as a long-term knowledge platform for sustainable development. The website can be accessed at

"Mensch in Bewegung" is a joint project of THI and KU. The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of knowledge (transfer) between science, politics, business and civil society. The focus is on the topics of mobility, digitalization, sustainability and civic engagement. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the "Innovative Hochschule".

The Institute for Applied Sustainability (inas) is a private research institution and was founded in 2017 by entrepreneur and THI Honorary Professor Reinhard Büchl. As an affiliated institute of THI and KU, it works closely with the two universities. One of the objectives of INAS is to promote research, teaching as well as exchange for sustainability in the Ingolstadt region and beyond, as well as to inspire for more sustainable living and economic models through lighthouse projects. This is how the idea for the sustainability trail was born at INAS.