
Figure: Book cover "Fahrzeugsicherheit und automatisiertes Fahren"

Book publication: Fahrzeugsicherheit und automatisiertes Fahren

A new publication by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch (THI), head of the SAFIR-Cluster 2 and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Utschik (TUM), member of the… more
Figure: Logo Hannover Messe #WHATWEWOULDHAVESCHOWN

Digital exhibition stand Hannover Messe - #WhatWeWouldHaveShown

Instead of at Hannover Messe, THI shows its booth online: The Hannover Messe – one of the most important international industrial fairs - would have… more
Figure: Book cover "Autonome Shuttlebusse im ÖPNV"

Book publication: Autonome Shuttlebusse im ÖPNV

Prof. Dr. techn. Priv.-Doz. Andreas Riener, head of SAFIR Cluster 1, has recently published a new book "Autonome Shuttlebusse im ÖPNV". more
Figure: The InnovationLAB.tour led the participants to the EOS company in Krailing, the innovation leader in industrial 3D printing

Review of the 13th German Innovation Summit: "Turntable for Cross-Industry Innovation”

Even before the corona virus brought public life in Bavaria and Germany more and more to a standstill, the two THI employees Sonja Kupfer and Sabine… more
Figure: Logo ITS Bavaria

SAFIR in the newsletter of ITS Bavaria e.V.

The 5th newsletter of ITS Bavaria e.V. also contains a short report on the "Innovative Research Network for Vehicle and Road Safety - SAFIR". more


Program coordinator SAFIR
Camila Heller, B. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6479
Room: F110