Children's university goes into the next round

How robots help in hospitals and how toys are made: Registration begins for the Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Children's University.

Researchers from THI and KU once again report on their fields of work at the joint children's university - and are available to answer questions from the schoolchildren (Photo: Schulte Strathaus/upd).

Researchers from THI and KU once again report on their fields of work at the joint children's university - and are available to answer questions from the schoolchildren (Photo: Schulte Strathaus/upd).

Curious fourth- to sixth-grade students can once again storm the lecture halls of the Ingolstadt University of Technology (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU): At the joint Children's University, curious young scientists will have plenty of opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting world of research. Four new lectures are scheduled to begin on October 20th, and online registration starts on October 1st.

This year, the spectrum of topics ranges from mathematical puzzles and the design of toys to the use of robots in care and a space flight simulation to Mars. Prof. Dr. Jörg Kessler, Chair of Conceptual Lightweight Design, Construction, and CAE at THI, invites the children to the latter. They can expect a simulation of takeoff, flight, and landing as well as answers to the question of whether there is life on Mars. Prof. Dr. Carolin Kreisbeck, Chair of Mathematics/Analysis at KU, and her research assistant Dr. Dominik Engl will be dealing with a tricky mathematical puzzle in their lecture: Can you choose a route through Eichstätt, Königsberg, or Ingolstadt in such a way that you cross each bridge exactly only once? And how can you prove that exactly? As a professor of industrial design and construction at the THI, Professor Erik Schneider, in turn, accompanies the young students at the Children's University under the title "How is a toy car made?" on the path that every new toy goes through - starting with a blank sheet of paper and a few pens for the first ideas and ending with a finished slide car. Natascha Köstler and Carolin Mirbeth, research assistants at KU's Chair of Nursing Science, will talk about the use of robots in hospitals in their lecture. On the one hand, they will explain what nursing actually is and how robots are already helping today. 

At the Children's University, there is a lecture every Friday that starts at 4:15 p.m. and lasts 45 minutes. The scientists give their lectures during the series both at the THI in Ingolstadt and at the KU in Eichstätt. Diligent students of tomorrow who have attended at least three lectures will receive the Children's University Diploma at the end.

Registration for the four lectures begins on October 1st and is possible exclusively online at There you will also find more information about the speakers and the topics of the series.