Mobility in the third dimension: 10th UAM network meeting at THI

The "Urban Air Mobility" initiative in Ingolstadt welcomed five new network partners on June 27th. Representatives from politics, business, and research highlighted the importance and potential of the project for the region.

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Hands-on research: Drone demonstrations on the campus lawn.

With the expansion of the network to include the Bavarian AI Agency (baiosphere), Future Mobility Solutions GmbH, the LOGWERT Institute of Heilbronn University, the Roth Police Helicopter Squadron, and Skyroads-AG, Ingolstadt is underscoring its status as an AI mobility hub.

At the THI alone, 150 scientists are conducting research in this area of innovation. THI President Walter Schober emphasized that the region is undergoing a transformation process to become a high-tech and science location. "Topics that are becoming increasingly important are autonomous flying, fleet management, data and analytics platforms, and building an urban air mobility ecosystem." Dr. Reinhard Brandl (MdB) had a similar assessment of the situation. "A revolution in air transport is on the horizon. The challenge is to develop CO2-neutral and quiet flight systems." Economics Officer Prof. Georg Rosenfeld welcomed the new partners and emphasized the added value of strengthening the innovation ecosystem. He promised to further expand the network activities.

In the subsequent panels, researchers from various disciplines from THI, the Fraunhofer Institute, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, and business partners presented current issues: from UAM acceptance in the population to intelligent drone coordination for automated air logistics. The presentations were illustrated by drone demonstrations on the campus lawn and in the auditorium. In a public keynote lecture, Pierre Ulfig of Quantum Systems also spoke about drones in Ukraine operations.

The "Urban Air Mobility" initiative, which is supported by the European Commission, aims to conduct practical studies to investigate the use of aircraft for urban mobility. Model tests are to be conducted to determine which areas of the application make sense and how the framework conditions must be designed. The population is to be actively involved in the feasibility studies and concerns regarding noise and safety are to be taken into account.