Kick-off for WaNdel!4 project at the Neuburg campus

The THI develops concepts for applied sustainability at universities in cooperation with the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and the University of Applied Sciences Berlin.

Menschen; Bäume; Gruppe

Participants of the kick-off.

The aim of the interdisciplinary project is to enable universities to take on a pioneering role in the transformation to a more sustainable society. To this end, the team led by Prof. Dr. Uwe Holzhammer is focusing on researching and testing sufficiency concepts.

The key questions are: How can universities shape sustainable transformation and initiate social learning processes in the sense of the Whole Institution Approach? What challenges and barriers arise in the course of this and how can these be overcome?

The Whole Institution Approach means that all status groups and stakeholders are involved. This means that sustainable action should be anchored at all levels in a way that is comprehensible and feasible.

The WaNdel!4 project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research with 342,845 euros as part of the FONA strategy, which is based on the United Nations' 2030 Agenda.