An important step towards a sustainable future

15 trainees from regional companies have completed the KUS Sustainability Scouts program. With their expertise, they contribute to anchoring all aspects of sustainability in the companies.

Fit for the future: The KUS sustainability scouts hold their certificates in their hands (Photo: Andy Merkel/KUS).

Sustainability is one of the key issues in business and society: by participating in the KUS sustainability program, 15 young adults have acquired important knowledge in this area. At the closing event, KUS CEO Johannes Hofner emphasized: "Having our sustainability scout not only builds up skills internally but also creates an attractive further training opportunity for trainees." He said he was delighted to be able to congratulate the first cohort on their successful graduation.

District Administrator Albert Gürtner added: "Sustainability has become a key issue in today's business world. However, corporate sustainability refers not only to ecological aspects but also to social and economic aspects." Professor Daniel Großmann, Vice President for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the THI, and Professor Klaus Stüwe, Vice President for Internationalisation and Profile Development at the KU, highlighted the benefits of a sustainable business orientation. The companies could benefit from greater efficiency, an enhanced corporate image, and a high level of employee satisfaction, as well as greater opportunities for recruiting young employees.  

The KUS sustainability program will be continued next year. Interested companies can already register now without obligation. Participation is free of charge and places are limited. The innovative program is aimed at trainees who are committed to the topic of sustainability and are willing to transfer this knowledge to their company. Susanne Schmid, project manager at KUS, can provide information and registration for the project by calling 08441-4007456 or sending an email to

The sustainability scouts were trained as part of the "People on the Move II" project, which is funded by the "Innovative University" initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Free State of Bavaria and implemented at the THI at the Sustainability Research and Transfer Centre Neuburg (ForTraNN).