Science meets film – wissen.schafft.wir. KINO in Ingolstadt and Eichstätt

Watching films and talking to scientists – that's what cinema-goers can do until the end of December at the Audi Programmkino Ingolstadt and the Eichstätter Altstadtkino.

First exciting films, then interesting discussions with experts (Photo: THI/KU).

First exciting films, then interesting discussions with experts (Photo: THI/KU).

Eight special film screenings of the event series "wissen.schafft.wir. KINO". They deal with topics and challenges of society, such as mental health or educational justice, and offer the opportunity to talk about them with scientists from the Ingolstadt University of Technology (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU). The series of events combines films and science in an informative and entertaining way.

wissen. schafft.wir KINO starts on October 18th at the Altstadtkino Eichstätt. The following program will be shown there:

18th of October, 7 p.m.: "Irre oder der Hahn ist tot" with Michael Achtner (Deputy Head of the Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic Ingolstadt, KU)

25th of October, 7 p.m.: „Bildungsgang“ with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien, President of the KU

2nd of November, 7 p.m.: Schulen dieser Welt“ with Christiane Hoth der Olano (UNISERVITATE project, KU) and Philipp Söchtig (THI-SuccessAI project, THI)

15th of November, 7 p.m.: „Picture a scientist“ with Prof. Dr. Katharina Karl (Pastoral Theology, KU) and Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schlemmer (Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer, KU) in conversation with Dr. Ulrike Brok (Mensch in Bewegung Project, KU)

After the screenings in Eichstätt, the program continues at Audi Programmkino Ingolstadt at the end of November:

29th of November, 8 p.m.: „Wer wir waren“ with Prof. Dr. Joost van Loon (General Sociology and Sociological Theory, KU) and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Wrobel (Business Development and Transformation Management, THI) in conversation with Dr. Ulrike Brok

6th of December, 8 p.m.: „Schulen dieser Welt“ with Christiane Hoth de Olano and Marco Hermann (KU) in conversation with Dr. Ulrike Brok

13th of December, 8 p.m.: „Picture a scientist“ with Prof. Patrizia Heinl (Network Security and Software Development, THI) and Prof. Dr. Michaela Regler (Women's Representative of THI) in conversation with Dr. Marion Kühn (Transfer Manager, THI)

20th of December, 8 p.m.: „Schwarzstrom“ – free admission with Marcus Siebler (Book, Production & Direction Schwarzstrom), Prof. Dr. Uwe Holzhammer (Head of ForTraNN Research and Transfer Centre Sustainability, THI), and Prof. Dr. Simone Birkel (Religious Education, KU) in conversation with Dr. Stefan Schweiger (Research Manager, THI)

The entire program as well as information on the films are also shown on the website of Mensch in Bewegung.

The series wissen.schafft.wir. KINO is a cooperation of "Mensch in Bewegung" with the Filmstudio im Alten Stadttheater in Eichstätt and the Audi Programmkino in Ingolstadt. The project "Mensch in Bewegung" is a joint project of the Ingolstadt University of Technology and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Bavaria over five years (2023-2027) with around 10 million euros as part of the funding initiative "Innovative University".