Between workshop and networking: Foresight event at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

A good 40 foresight experts from various disciplines took a look at possible futures at THI. At the event organized by the Bavarian Foresight Institute headed by Professor Jan Oliver Schwarz as part of the ‘AnticipaTech’ project, they discussed strategies for dealing with change and innovation.

Discussing possible futures: Foresight experts at the THI (Photo: THI).

What are appealing formats for discussing trends, scenarios, and futures and developing corresponding strategies? The ‘AnticipaTech’ project of the Bavarian Foresight Institute at THI is exploring this question with Quentin Ladetto from the Foresight Programme of the Federal Office for Defence Procurement armasuisse.

In a workshop in Ingolstadt, they tested the prototype of a so-called ‘scenario game’. Over 40 foresight experts took part in exploring technology trends and megatrends within a scenario framework. ‘We want to bring together stakeholders from business, society and science,’ explains Professor Jan Oliver Schwarz.

The Bavarian Foresight Institute focuses on technology-oriented futurology and the associated economic and social interdependencies. Synergies are to be created with the technology-orientated research institutes at THI, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence, sustainability, and mobility.