Transfer at THI: Our news

AMBER project-team-meeting on biogas utilization in Morocco and Germany

July marked a significant milestone for the AMBER project with a gathering of all university partners at the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) at… more

Project BioM0876: Workshop on highly flexible biomethane projects

On 12 June 2024, the first comprehensive workshop ‘Obstacles and approaches in the development of highly flexible biomethane projects - focus on CHP… more
Fünf Personen im Außenbereich des Campus in Neuburg, die vor einer Pinnwand mit unterschiedlichen Tags stehen und dieskutieren

Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with… more

THI brings sustainable impetus to the 11th grade

Project day at Apian Gymnasium more
KiGa-Kind in einem Labor mit Schutzbrille und -Kleidung, im Hintergrund Reagenzgläser

When little explorers get big eyes

A visit to the lab: 32 children from the Münster kindergarten went on a voyage of discovery at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences and carried… more

An important step towards a sustainable future

15 trainees from regional companies have completed the KUS Sustainability Scouts program. With their expertise, they contribute to anchoring all… more
Portrait des Hochschulpräsidenten sowie der Vizepräsidentinnen auf einer Wiese, im Hintergrund die Hochschule

Continuing academic education, sustainability, transfer, and entrepreneurship: THI expands university leadership team

The University Council has elected Professor Andrea Klug as Vice President of Continuing Education and Professor Elke Feifel as Vice President of… more

Discussion with experts from research and industry on the energy transition

Panel discussion "Just a moment to save the world?" at Scheyern Monastery inspires young audience more

Mastering climate extremes: climate-adapted construction as the key to prevention

Closing event of the Neuburger Nachhaltigkeitsgespräche 2024 attracts a large audience more