Working and taking care of Children

Probably the greatest challenge for working parents with (young) children is to coordinate the childcare hours with their own working hours. There is often a discrepancy between these two points. THI has set itself the task of creating the positive framework conditions that employees need when they decide to combine work and family.

Flexible Working hours

The flexible working hours give the employees of the university the opportunity to determine the beginning and end of the daily working hours as well as the lunch break themselves and thus to adapt them to their personal needs.  Working hours can be arranged flexibly and can be combined with family duties if required. The framework time in which the daily target time is to be completed is Monday to Friday from 06:30 to 20:00.

Home Office Solutions

THI offers its employees the opportunity to perform part of their work from home. With this model of alternating teleworking, the university makes it easier for employees to combine work and family life.
To obtain a teleworking job, employees submit an application in consultation with their supervisor. Employees can find the relevant documents on the intranet.

Job-Sharing und Part-time

Employees have the opportunity to reduce their daily working hours through job sharing or part-time employment. Especially in times when the family burden of childcare or care for relatives is high, this option can provide welcome relief. Should you require further information on this, please contact the Service Personnel and Organisation.

Rooms for changing diapers and breastfeeding

On the 2nd floor of building F is the parent-child office in F 114, which is available to all THI members with children as a retreat, for working, changing diapers or breastfeeding. To gain access to the parent-child office, you must register once with the Equal Opportunities Officer.

Building Z also houses the Room of Silence, which can be used for relaxation and breastfeeding. The Room of Silence is open at all times. Occasionally relaxation courses take place here.

Additional nappy-changing facilities are located in the barrier-free toilet on the first floor opposite the library, in building F in first-aid room F 216, in buildings G and J in the barrier-free toilets on the ground floor and in the toilet area of the canteen.

General Enquiries

Please contact us via:

Reach us directly

Equal Opportunities Officer
Astrid Moser
Phone: +49 841 9348-6456
Room: J105