AMM practical project with Airbus

A group of people on a meadow in front of an airplane.

Photo: THI

In the course "Innovative Mobility Concepts" of the master program “Automotive and Mobility Management” (AMM) at the THI Business School, the students worked on a project together with their practical partner Airbus Defence & Space GmbH this semester. The aim was to develop an optimization concept for internal passenger transport at the Manching site with almost 6,000 employees.

In order to better understand the mobility needs of the plant, an internal survey with almost 1,500 responses was conducted as part of the project. Based on the theoretical lecture, the survey results and through expert interviews, the students developed mobility concepts for motorized and non-motorized transport, such as the future use of autonomous on-demand shuttle buses or digital bike sharing services.

The mobility concepts were presented to plant manager Stefan Römelt, project contact Thomas Hempel and other Airbus employees on site in Manching. The lecturers Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner and Tamara Beschler thanked Thomas Hempel for his professional support of the students over the past months. Some of the concept proposals are to be gradually implemented at the Manching plant site.

Are you interested in the Automotive and Mobility Management master's degree program? Further information about the program is available via the following link. Applications are still possible until July 15.