Guest lecture on "Affective Design" in the MPS degree program

View from the back of the lecture hall, a presentation on the screen at the front, a speaker in a suit at the lectern, the students can be seen from behind

Photo: THI

The students of the bachelor's degree program "Media Psychology and Digital Business" (MPS) at THI Business School enjoyed an exciting guest lecture. Prof. Dr. Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA) visited the students in the Media Psychology II lecture and gave a talk on the topic of "Affective Design". Among other things, Prof. Jeon explained how listening to music while driving affects emotions and can therefore also influence driving style. The lecture was followed by a lively exchange with the students. 

Lectures like this offer students important practical relevance and are an essential part of studying at THI Business School.

Applications for the degree program "Media Psychology and Digital Business" are still possible until July 15. Click here for the course page