Guest lectures about Content- and Video-Marketing

Young Entrepreneur Marinus Vogl (left) with Programme Director and Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker. Picture: THI

Twice in a few weeks, guest lecturers visited the lecture Digital Marketing in the Master’s Degree Programme Marketing / Sales / Media of THI Business School. Lukas Leister, former MVM student and today Project Manager Marketing at the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAZ), entitled his lecture “Content Marketing and Storytelling”. He presented different approaches how to systematically edit good content.

On 29 November, Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker, Programme Director and Vice Dean for Marketing & Alumni of THI Business School, welcomed the young entrepreneur Marinus Vogl, founder and CEO of Air Bavarian. Vogl is 24 years old and founded his company for video production already five years ago. His lecture was entitled “Movie production for social media”. He gave insights in his everyday work as movie maker for companies such as Siemens and in his experiences as a young start-up founder.

Guest lectures like these are integral part of the curriculum and ensure a close connection between theory and practice.