Hackathon Region10: Innovative solutions for the region

A room full of people sitting in groups at tables and working on their laptops.

Photo: THI

After three intensive and inspiring days full of creativity, innovation and hard work, the Hackathon R10 2024 came to a successful conclusion with the participation of students from the bachelor's program Digital Business at THI Business School. Hackathons are innovation drivers in which innovative solutions are developed within a short period of time. The Hackathon R10, also known as the "Region 10 Hackathon - Craftsmen meet Programmers", is a cooperative initiative of the districts in Region 10 and the city of Ingolstadt and brings together local businesses and creative minds. The platform once again brought together mixed teams from different age groups and backgrounds to tackle the problems faced by entrepreneurs. 

Thanks to support from experts such as Innovation Coach Christoph Krause, from the experts at brigk: Digitales Gründerzentrum Ingolstadt and Jan C. Küster from Founders Fight Club, the participants gained valuable insights and were therefore also able to benefit personally from the hackathon. For example, the last day was traditionally reserved for pitch training, where Jan Küster from Founders Fight Club supervised the participants' pitches.

The teams gave their all and worked on concepts, prototypes and business models, and the results were impressive. It is pleasing to note that the first two places were taken by teams involving digital business students:

  • Team Green Pilot: an AI tool for the efficient creation of sustainability reports. 
  • Team Watt Checker: An AI-based online tool for evaluating and reducing peak energy consumption in companies. 

These interdisciplinary teams impressed the jury with their outstanding pitches and were recognized for their achievements.

Experience-based learning is of great importance to students at THI Business School. In the Digital Business program, students in their fourth semester take part in a hackathon and have to prove themselves in an unfamiliar environment. The fact that the teams involving DB students emerge victorious in this hackathon is all the more gratifying. 

Further information on the Digital Business course is available on the course page. Applications are still possible until July 15. 

A brief insight into the course of the hackathon can also be found in this report by tv ingolstadt (German language).