In-store customer analytics for more efficiency in stationary trade

Extract from the cover of a magazine

Cover Marketing Review St. Gallen

"In-Store-Customer-Analytics: Measurement Approaches For a Better Understanding of Untapped Conversion Potential." Under this title, Prof. Dr. Michael Jungbluth and Dr. Anna Ulrichshofer, both from the Chair of AI in Consumer Commerce at THI Business School, and Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management published an article in the current issue of Marketing Review St. Gallen.

Customers' stay in stationary retail is often short, and only specific categories are visited. This results in untapped conversion potential. Many retailers need to be aware of their potential and how to use it effectively. This article provides the basics of in-store customer analytics and uses a case study to demonstrate the added value of the method for practical use.

The author team will present the follow-up activities of this research under the working title "Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale" at this year's EMAC Annual Conference in Denmark and at the ISMS Marketing Science Conference in Miami.

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