Leadership coach visits the bachelor's degree program BW

A woman in front of a blackboard, a presentation is shown next to her on the wall.

Photo: THI

The students of the Human Resource specialization in the bachelor’s degree program of Business Administration (BW) at THI Business School learned about important aspects of employee management first-hand - from leadership coach Jasmin Schweiger. In her guest lecture, the independent management mentor shared valuable insights and methods for effective employee management and development. The students also had the opportunity to conduct their own employee appraisal in a case study and put their own thoughts and experiences up for discussion. This allowed for a lively exchange and a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that leadership brings in the modern business environment. Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske, Professor of International HR Management, was delighted to have the opportunity to welcome the leadership expert from Barcelona to her lecture. 

Lectures like this offer students important practical relevance and are an essential part of studying at the THI Business School.

The application period for the winter semester 2024/25 is currently open and applications are welcome until July 15 via the Primuss application portal. Further information can be found on the study program page.