Marketing-Workshop with Philip Morris GmbH

Staff of Philip Morris GmbH with the Dean of THI Business School, Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed

Impressed by the ingenuity of the students: Jobst Schumacher, Senior Manager Brand Experience (3rd f.r.) and Dorothee Kohlhaas, Manager Convenience Strategy (middle) with Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed, Dean of THI Business School (left) and other representatives of Philip Morris GmbH. Picture: THI

“Purpose Driven Marketing or When the cowboy becomes less important” was the title of a workshop which representatives of Philip Morris held with students of the Master Degree programme Marketing / Sales / Media of THI Business School at the beginning of June. The aim of the workshops was to figure out how a credible and consumer-relevant communication could be designed for an innovative tobacco product developed by Philip Morris as an alternative for conventional cigarettes.

After a keynote speech by Jobst Schumacher, Senior Manager Brand Experience of Philip Morris, the students had to develop methods to find out the needs of potential consumers. Another task was to think about suitable communication channels to address their specific target group. “We were deeply impressed by the ingenuity and the expertise of the students”, summarized Dorothee Kohlhaas, Manager Convenience Strategy, in the end.

Workshops with representatives of industry and business are integral part of all degree programs of THI Business School. They guarantee a close connection between theory and practical experience.