MVM project for the development of a sales strategy for Welco GmbH & Co. KG

A group of people in front of a stone wall.

Photo: THI

Students of the Marketing/Sales/Media (MVM) master's program at the THI Business School worked together with Petra Scherer, lecturer for Strategic Sales Management, on a practical project for Welco GmbH & Co. KG. The company, specialized in surface technology, is part of the renowned Franz Schabmüller group. The aim of the project was to develop a customized sales strategy for Welco.

A market analysis formed the basis of the work. In addition, the students developed an effective sales organization and conducted a detailed customer analysis including surveys. The insights gained from this helped with the development of the customer journey and the persona. Finally, pragmatic recommendations for action were developed to support Welco on its path to success.

The final presentation took place in front of Welco's management, and even senior CEO Franz Schabmüller participated. The feedback was consistently positive and Welco was very open to the innovative ideas and strategic development proposals. As a festive conclusion, the students were invited to a cosy get-together in a beer garden.

Petra Scherer reports: "For the students, this collaboration was not only a valuable insight into practice, but also an important examination achievement. Their commitment and performance made me very proud as a lecturer!"