Write your own story! Master students shoot new image video for THI Business School

Two young women on a staircase in the building, shot head-on

Photo: THI

As a master's project in the course of study "Marketing/Sales/Media" (M. A.), seven students jointly created a new image video for THI Business School. To this end, around fifty image videos from a wide range of universities and faculties were viewed and analyzed in advance, and the concept for the THI Business School was developed on this basis.

"For our Master's students it was the perfect opportunity to implement what they have learned in a concrete practical example," explains Program director Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker. "Starting with the project idea, to the collection of content, the creation of a storyline, the search for actors, the filming in a wide variety of locations, to the final editing work - all in all, a complex project!"

The entire faculty is all the more pleased about the great video, which can now be seen on the Business School's website:


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