Simulation of a M&A transaction in the FMC and SB master's degree programs

In the lecture hall, you can see the students from the back looking towards the front at a woman giving a presentation.

Photo: THI

In the "Financial Management and Controlling" (FMC) and "Taxation and Consulting" (SB) master's degree programs at THI Business School, a specific M&A transaction was simulated as part of the "Mergers & Acquisitions" lecture. The first step for the students was to understand various M&A strategies and to derive a strategy for their own company. Potential targets were then identified and evaluated using various methods (WACC, APV, multiples) and a possible target company was selected before concrete negotiations took place. The students were able to submit, negotiate, correct and finally accept or reject offers in small groups using a simulation program. All in all, the students were able to carry out a complete M&A transaction in practice and gain an understanding of the added value of M&A transactions.

Practical learning - with concrete examples from the real economy - is one of the core areas of teaching at THI Business School.

The application period for the winter semester 2024/25 is currently open. Applications are welcome until July 15 (FMC) or August 31 (SB) via the application portal Primuss.