THI Business School students support Santa Claus

Two pictures: one student in front of a car with a trunk full of presents. Another student holding a gift in her hand

Lisa Soldat (left picture) and Lucia Rattel. Pictures: private

To make children's eyes light up at Christmas - this is the goal of Lisa Soldat and Lucia Rattel, students of the Bachelor’s degree program International Retail Management at THI Business School. To this end, they received wish lists from children and young people from needy families from the Child Protection Agency, district association Straubing-Bogen e.V. Lisa Soldat and Lucia Rattel then looked for sponsors among their friends and acquaintances to fulfill the wishes and provide the gifts. In addition, they collected around 550 euros in donations, from which they financed further gifts. At the beginning of December, they handed over the collected money and the packages to the Child Protection Agency, which distributes everything to the children and their families at Christmas.

Lucia and Lisa were able to have the campaign credited to their studies as a so-called "social project", which is mandatory in all bachelor's degree programs at THI Business School.