Students develop suggestions for improving the THI talent support program

Students standing in front of a Whiteboard

Symbolic picture. Source: THI

Students of THI Business School have analyzed how THI can further improve the promotion of talent in a project seminar in the Bachelor Business Administration program. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Michaela Regler, Professor of Private Business Law, four student teams analyzed the talent support programs of universities and companies in Germany and abroad and derived recommendations for action for THI.

"For me as project leader, the proposal to allow talents access to the program regardless of grade restrictions was particularly interesting, because grades alone say nothing or not enough about potential talent," says Prof. Regler. "Instead, students should be motivated and encouraged to apply for the program, for example by letters of recommendation from professors".

Further suggestions of the student project teams include identifying talent at an early stage - preferably already at school - and encouraging it, for example, through early study. In addition, they recommend the development of an app for communication between talents or the integration of an alumni network to strengthen the exchange of experiences with former talents.

With THI Talent, THI already has a support program for gifted and committed students at THI. The current program includes support by mentors or joint events to build personal networks.