Student survey: THI Business School achieves top results

3 Smileys and a hand

Picture:, Tumisu

85% of all students at THI Business School are satisfied or very satisfied with their studies: That is the result of a major survey of all students conducted by THI every two years. Since the surveys began, this is the highest figure ever measured. "The fact that we receive such high approval ratings despite the challenges posed by two years of the Corona pandemic makes me really proud," states Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed, Dean of THI Business School. "This shows that the commitment of all lecturers in digital teaching, but also of the team in the dean's office with the entire organisation has paid off."

A look at first-year students shows that here as many as 92% are satisfied with their first weeks at the university. Graduates are equally satisfied: Here, 92% of bachelor's and 91% of master's students recommend THI Business School to others.

The results of the survey contribute directly to the improvement of studies and teaching at THI.