THI Business School starts the winter semester

students sitting in a lecture room

The course "Financial Instruments and Product Analysis" by Prof. Dr. Tanja Sinha (front) is held on site in compliance with all distance rules. Picture: THI

As much attendance teaching as possible, as much digital teaching as necessary - this is the credo with which THI Business School started the winter semester 2020/21. While studies for first semester students in the Bachelor's programs do not begin until October 19 and will for the most part take place at THI, the higher semester and Master's students have already started on October 1 and are completing numerous courses exclusively online.

"This mixed form of attendance and online courses has become necessary because only a fraction of the seats in our lecture halls are available as usual due to corona hygiene rules," explains Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed, Dean of THI Business School. "Especially in larger courses, we simply do not have the room capacity to allow all courses to take place regularly". Based on the experience that the lecturers were able to gain in digital teaching in the last semester, Scheed nevertheless expects a mostly smooth course of lectures this semester as well.

In order to improve the integration of new students in their first semester at the university, the THI has rented the parade hall in the Klenzepark, in which lectures up to 150 participants can take part. "This means that we can also hold the introductory courses, for example in the Bachelor of Business Administration, in attendance," states the Dean.

All plans are subject to the proviso that the corona infection rate remains at a stable, low level. THI provides daily updates on possible changes on its homepage.