WTS Advisory in the Business Administration degree program

In the lecture hall, you can see the students looking to the front from behind, where two speakers are giving a lecture.

Photo: THI

Students on the Business Administration degree program were delighted to receive a visit from management consultancy WTS Advisory. Natalie Wurms, Philipp Reiss and Marcel Wilke gave a presentation on sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD and EU taxonomy in the lecture "Accounting and Annual Financial Statements". The guest lecture gave the students a good introduction to the topic of sustainability in general as well as using the example of the European Green Deal and "fit for 55". The company WTS Advisory itself was also presented in more detail. There was a lively exchange with the students, who were able to enjoy an entertaining lecture thanks to the lively guest lecture.

Lectures like this offer students important practical relevance and are an essential part of studying at the THI Business School.

The application period for the winter semester 2024/25 is currently open and applications are welcome until July 15 via the Primuss application portal. Further information can be found on the study program page.