“Interest rate shock”: Guest lecture with bank representatives in the Elective Controlling and Finance

The lecturers Marc Rieger (far left) and Lukas Brandstetter (3rd f.l.) with Prof. Dr. Mandy Habermann (2nd f.l.) and the students of the Elective. Picture: private

Two generations of alumni were guests at THI Business School: Marc Rieger and Lukas Brandstetter, both from Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG, informed the students in the Elective Controlling and Finance about current developments and trends in corporate finance. Rieger was one of THI's first ever graduates and is now team leader for corporate customers at Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG. Rieger's colleague Lukas Brandstetter graduated in 2019 and joined Volksbank directly afterwards.

In their presentation, the two guest lecturers addressed the "interest rate shock" - caused by the recent sharp increase in interest rates by the central banks - and the resulting consequences from a banking and corporate perspective. They also explained new regulatory requirements, particularly on the subject of sustainability, and their impact on future financing options for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Elective Controlling and Finance is part of the Bachelor’s degree programs of Business Administration and International Management. Guest lectures like this one are an integral part of all degree programs at THI Business School and ensure the close link between theory and practice.