Apprentices as Sustainability Scouts: Companies prepare for the future

Sustainability has long been a success factor in business. The ‘KUS Trainee Sustainability Scouts project equips young skilled workers to drive sustainable processes in companies. Initiated by the Kommunalunternehmen Strukturentwicklung Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm (KUS), the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), and the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), the programme is now entering its next round.

16 trainees from nine companies take responsibility: as sustainability scouts, they bring fresh ideas for environmentally conscious and sustainable business practices to their companies (Photo: KUS).

Dr Stefan Schweiger, political scientist and research manager at the Sustainability Research and Transfer Centre Neuburg (ForTraNN) at THI (THI), is delighted about the renewed collaboration. ‘Thanks to the findings and feedback from last year, we can tailor the content even more precisely to the needs of the training companies,’ he explains.

The participating trainees learn how to use resources efficiently, understand economic and ecological relationships, recognise sustainable processes within the company and assume social responsibility.

Over three workshop days, 16 trainees from the region tackled key sustainability issues: they began by analysing the areas of business, the environment, social issues, culture and politics. They then examined value chains in their companies and developed strategies to optimise sustainable structures. Accompanied by experts, they also design their projects, which they implement directly in their day-to-day work. They will present their results at the closing event on 4 June.

The programme is part of ‘Mensch in Bewegung II’ and is funded by the ‘Innovative University’ initiative. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Free State of Bavaria fund the programme. The programme is being implemented by the THI at ForTraNN in Neuburg.


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