Which specialisation offers the best prospects? What is campus life like? And what support does the university offer? THI will provide answers to…
Professor Christian Sturm was honoured by the Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) of the Association for Computing Machinery…
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt invites you to the next edition of the digital event series ‘Lunch & Learn’ on March 24th, 2025. In just 30 minutes,…
High tension at the THI: At the Southern Regional Championship of the world's largest school-based STEM racing competition, pupils competed against…
The smell of popcorn was in the air as the new students arrived in the auditorium of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) on the 17th of…
Traffic jams, crowded roads, and lots of exhaust fumes - traffic is not only a burden on the nerves, but also on the climate. But what if cars drive…
THI continues to promote gender equality in academia and is committed to equal opportunities with the Female Professors Programme 2030. The university…
How do you imagine the world in 50 years? Will we be living in megacities, communicating with AI, or practicing completely new professions? And how do…
How can scientific findings be effectively transferred to society? This was the question addressed by the ‘Open Transfer Round’, which took place on…