Press releases

Tanja Mast, THI, (l.) and Lukas Lang, FAU, presented the results of three and a half years of project work (Photo: THI).

Keeping the expansion of wind and PV affordable - "EOM-Plus" project contributes to congestion management

The Energy Systems Engineering department of the Institute for New Energy Systems (InES) at THI, together with the Friedrich Alexander University of… more
First exciting films, then interesting discussions with experts (Photo: THI/KU).

Science meets film – wissen.schafft.wir. KINO in Ingolstadt and Eichstätt

Watching films and talking to scientists – that's what cinema-goers can do until the end of December at the Audi Programmkino Ingolstadt and the… more
The prototype of the winning team 2023: a vertical garden made of recycled materials (Photo: THI).

Searching for the spirit of research: THI awards Youth Sustainability Prize

Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) will once again award a Youth Sustainability Prize in the school year 2023/24. The prize pot includes… more
Counting loops and time series of counts on the Southern Ring Road (Photo: e:fs).

Live and freely accessible: SAVeNoW provides traffic data from Ingolstadt

The SAVeNoW research project makes vehicle counts from the entire Ingolstadt city area and high-resolution weather data publicly available.… more
 You could find out what role AI plays in autonomous driving in the CARISSMA hall (Photo: THI).

Successful debut: First Bavarian Artificial Intelligence Conference (BAI.CON) in Ingolstadt

Experts from science and business discussed the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in various areas on October 4th and 5th at the Congress… more
THI President Professor Walter Schober gave politicians a tour of the campus (Photo: THI).

Mobility Day at the THI

On October 4th, visitors to the THI were able to experience research on the topic of mobility firsthand: Whether it was a test drive in an electric… more
Opportunity for the entire region: THI receives doctoral rights (Photo: Pixabay).

Milestone for Ingolstadt: THI receives two doctoral centers

Eleven doctoral centers will be established at Bavarian universities of Applied Sciences (HaW) and Technical Universities (TH). The THI is the only… more
The THI auditorium was filled to capacity (Photo: THI).

Record at the start: 2,500 freshmen at the THI

On October 2nd, THI President Professor Walter Schober welcomed around 2,500 first-semester students to the approximately 80 bachelor's and master's… more
Competition and entertainment: this is what Dr. Torsten Schön's project focuses on (Photo: THI).

Gambling - and learning programming at the same time?

How entertainment and competition can increase the learning effect - Klaus Tschira Foundation supports a project by Professor Torsten Schön at… more
THI President Professor Walter Schober and State Minister Markus Blume signed the contract (Photo: StMWK/Wolfgang M. Weber).

Individual university contracts for the period until the end of 2027

Conceivably the biggest pact with the universities: Science Minister Markus Blume and the heads of Bavaria's 33 state universities, universities of… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019