Press releases

Studying, but how? THI offers guidance

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) is launching several events in 2025 to help prospective students choose a degree programme. Throughout the… more

THI mourns the loss of a student

The news of the death of a student in the Bachelor's degree programme in Sustainability and Environmental Management based in Neuburg has deeply… more
Gruppenbild der Absolvierenden, auf dem alle den Doktorhut werfen

Glamour and Top Performance: THI Bids Farewell to Graduates

THI celebrated its graduates for the 2024 summer semester in the splendidly decorated Congress Centrum – with a varied programme, emotional… more

Future shapers from the facility management sector visit Neuburg

A special guest lecture recently took place at the Neuburg campus of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, which focussed on the topics of energy… more
Gruppenbild der Deutschlandstipendiaten

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Awards 31 Deutschlandstipendien

The Deutschlandstipendien were awarded to 31 outstanding students from various disciplines at an atmospheric event at Reimann's, decorated for… more
Zwei Männer bei Entgegennahme eines Förderschecks

AI-Based Irrigation Systems for Tunisian Agriculture

The Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (InES) is delighted to have received funding for a pioneering project: Dig-e-Farm, an AI-supported… more
Mann und Frau, die Details zu einer Podcastfolge besprechen

Digital Transformation: Ideas Portal as a Driver for Innovation

At Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Professor Volker Stiehl is developing a pioneering methodology for digital transformation with his ‘process-driven… more
Mann als Sprecher bei einer Veranstaltung von Dubai Future Forum

Strategies for a Better Future

During global crises and far-reaching transformations, the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) published a groundbreaking paper on future… more
Bild aus einem Workshop, auf dem zwei Teilnehmende und die Leiterin des Workshops zu sehen sind

5 after 12: ‘The Great Transformation III’ encourages a rethink

How can society, the economy, and the environment actively shape the profound transformation? This question was at the centre of the third scientific… more
Studierende mit unterschiedlichen Körpergrößen stehen auf farblich unterschiedlichen Teppichelementen

SCALE-UP: Where Ideas Learn to Fly and Teams Create Great Things

SCALE-UP rooms (Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies) are revolutionising university teaching by focusing on… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019