(Kopie 1)

Contact person for students who are confronted with anti-Semitism

Students who are confronted with anti-Semitism can contact the Anti-Discrimination Officer at the Anti-discrimination Complaints Office. 

  Emai: beschwerdestelle@thi.de

Anti-corruption officer

The task of the anti-corruption officer is to monitor and assess signs of corruption and to advise the university management in the fight against corruption. He/she is the contact person for employees and third parties.

  Prof. Dr. Robert Wittmann, Email: robert.wittmann@thi.de

Representative for the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illness

Advising and informing disabled students and applicants on topics that affect their equal opportunities at the university, especially on study and examination conditions as well as structural and technical conditions and requirements.

  see Student Disability Service

Email: veronika.eder@thi.de



Antechamber to the Chancellor
Maria Tratz
Phone: +49 841 9348-1201
Room: D022